Passenger CoPilot Device for Cars

AR glasses will come, but it is taking forever, so I thought about intermediate technology that might help it become real.

Imagine this:

A detachable large tablet for the front passenger of a car. It will not work unless attached to a special hinge which ensures that the driver will be unable to view the screen.

The screen shows the same view as the windscreen, but with AR elements overlayed.

The copilot then does what they have often done historically with paper maps. They help the driver. Useful for these scenarios:

  • Finding the house/building that is their destination
  • Finding out where the closest gas station is – or charging station
  • Checking alternate routes
  • Getting info on business and places that they are driving past – that restaurant has a lunch deal!
  • Ordering something before arriving

Why it works:

  • Technology already exists, and could be quite cheap
  • Avoids the dangers of similar in a HUD for drivers
  • Unique selling point for the car brands who offer it
  • A low-commitment entry into the AR space for Apple, Alphabet or Meta

It could also be used for audio playlists, car data, adjusting air conditioning, games, movies (with bluetooth headphones) – the latter uses for back seat passengers with a screen built into the back of the front seats.

Being built in is good for safety.