Bedroom Cams for Rape Evidence


Rape is a serious issue, around the world. Rapes are under-reported because of beliefs that justice won’t be served, and having to relive the ordeal in public testimony. And that stems from the difficulty of proving a crime when it is one person’s word against the other’s.

Video footage would solve that issue. And any other forms of domestic violence.

I presume most rapes occur in private residences. We could force people to have “rape cams” in every room of their home. A black box type device that uploads data to the cloud and cannot be turned off. Data is stored for 1 week only, and is impossible to access without a court order.

Furthermore, and this is the key, the footage is not of a good resolution. It is not of a good enough resolution to make out faces or private parts clearly. It will be of no interest to voyeurs or perverts or sex sites. The sound will be of good quality, and a high res camera at all property entrances will show who arrived, and left, and when.

A basic video monitor can be provided to give reassurance to occupants that the video is indeed blurry.

I would like to think that blurry video, and good sound, are enough to reasonably determine if anything that occurs is consensual or not, and violent or not.