The Citizen Postal Service

Roads are getting more congested, and posting letters is getting more expensive.

Congestion tax works OK, but for many people the extra cost won’t put them off driving in congested areas. They need a different pain point. Like inconvenience.

You will be required to plan your journey. If there is post that needs picking up and dropping off within reasonable distances of your route, you will be required to deliver it.

There are major problems with this idea, such as if the post is free will people abuse the system, overhead costs, and the most congested places aren’t easy to pull over and deliver mail.

The idea is that we should investigate other pain points other than money, like:

Community Service – so many hours equal hours of congested driving
Forced Car Sharing
Income Tested – rich people pay more
Car-Worth Tested – luxury vehicles pay more
Electric vs Non-Electric
Driving Record – people with speeding fines are forbidden from congested areas for X months