Post-Pandemic Thermal Imaging

Self-isolation during the 2020 pandemic had an interesting side-effect – far less people catching the flu.

Possibly earlier administration of vaccines were a factor, but it will not be surprising to see lesser contact presumed to be the the key.

Over 50% of elderly deaths come from preventable infections, and the repercussions of falls.

Thermal imaging is affordable and easy to implement. Just like we have metal detectors when entering facilities like courts and prisons, expect to see thermal imaging checking for fevers when entering aged-care facilities and hospitals.

A minor inconvenience to save lives.

Expect life expectancies to increase substantially, quickly.

Note: alternative or complimentary technology may emerge in the home. Instead of having thermal imaging in the greater world, we could have thermal imaging (and various other forms of self-diagnosis) in the home. Some tests could be part of a morning ritual like brushing your teeth and checking the weather forecast