Restraining Order Attack Support Team

Restraining Order Attack Support Team (ROAST)

  • Neighbourhood Watch is a very generalised community effort to deter crime
  • Restraining Orders don’t work very well went the bad guy decides to break the rules. They are typically gone or have done harm before the police are informed or arrive.
  • There are too many people who are fearing for their lives for the police to actively protect

We can combine the above to create a community-based response to potential violations of restraining orders. A hyper-focused mission to protect those who are scared of a particular individual, and vulnerable.

Here’s how it works:

Only for people where a restraining order is in place, and there is an indication things could turn bad. So not when the bad guy is living in another state and has made no contact.

Community members who live nearby have an app. The frightened person can trigger an alarm and everyone gets the alert.

Temporary, borrowed security measures can be put in place – cameras and door/window alarms. These could also be connected to the app.

The community would be supplied with photos and car details of the bad guy. Where legal, license plate readers could be set up on that street.

The bad guy is informed that the frightened person is protected, and where legal could even show a photo of community members with their weapons.