A New Movie/TV Awards

The Golden Globes are dead. Until recently, fewer than 100 people, all white and who could receive gifts, decided things. But we are used to a certain amount of ceremonies… so how to fill the gap with something more than 100 voters, and less than TV Week?

We can avoid rigged voting by copying Amazon – verified purchasers.

One day, there will be a single platform to buy all filmed entertainment, and it will be easy.

For now… The Streaming Awards

Every streaming platform goes well beyond the current thumbs up/down, and they use the same methodology:

  • Rate on a scale of 1 to 10
  • You can change you ratings at any time
  • You can rate actors, director, screenplay etc – if you want

That’s it. Simple.

Viewing is verified. Voting on the more technical categories will be decided by people who know what those categories entail (maybe tick a box acknowledging the criteria) and who can be bothered. That alone ensures qualified votes.

But because data

Beyond the award ceremony is the online results. And it can be very specific, like favorite actor in Chile, or most popular reality show for women over 55+. Marketing bonanza!

You can even have awards for the most divisive.

Easy to start!

You don’t need all the platforms on board to begin. Netflix can start it, and after the first awards, the rest will want in.

Cheap to start!

Just some coding.

But the ceremony, how can we fix that???

Award ceremonies are stale. It could be more like election coverage, where data experts point out interesting data sets.

It could be online first (streaming services), broken into segments (overall, acting, tech) and free-to-air soon after featuring the parts that got the most thumbs up – a highlights reel. People recently watched an 8 hour Beatles doco…

Speeches need to remain. But you need to be good to make the highlights package.

Clips from the shows are important, but they can be interspersed with comments from “unimportant” crew members who are part of the big picture. There could even be an unheralded award.

The audience needs fixing. Put regular viewers in amongst the stars? (hmmm risky). The seating is from a draw, forcing famous people to sit next to famous people they might not know? A stadium where anyone who worked on any nominated show can attend? Stars sit with their extended family?

Presenters need fixing. Throw in a few regular industry people. One or two will be interesting, add breadth.

Prizes. Give them a cash prize. Same amount for every category. We are told who the winner gives their prize to. We can learn more online. The winner is not to mention their cause otherwise. No more using the awards as a cause platform in speeches.